ProWay’s commitment to manufacturing quality and custom facilities is a key factor for livestock operations across Australia, and Tasmania is no exception. Tassie livestock producers have long understood the benefits of modern facilities. Since ProWay’s inception in 2000, the apple isle has supported quality stock handling solutions both on farm and at a commercial level.
For Tasmanian stock yard design team manager, Joe Hoban, ProWay has seen continued support of innovation in livestock handling.
“We have many repeat clients in Tasmania, and have completed both sheep and cattle facilities across the state and on King and Flinders Islands that really are industry leading.”
For Andrew Archer, loading lambs at their Hagley property in the Meander Valley, is made far easier with the new yards and 8m mobile ramp. This is the Archer family’s 2nd set of ProWay yards, and features an adjustable race leadup to their sheep handler, footbath and serpentine draft race.
Since 2000, ProWay have developed a strong affiliation with Tasmanian livestock producers and processors with work completed on farm, such as cattle yards, sheep yards and shearing sheds as well as commercial facilities and sale yards.
Custom designed cattleyards for Elizabeth Hall, Waterhouse TAS. The yards feature a rotary force which services the working race and loading ramp.
“Many livestock operations are family orientated, it’s rewarding dealing with farmers who we’ve worked with over multiple generations. For most livestock operations, there are existing facilities that a father or grandfather may have built and we’re able to accurately measure and work in with features that the next generation are looking to maintain.”
One such example is the redeveloped sheep yards and sheep handling facilities at Connorville, Cressy, which have been in the family since 1824. For 6th generation wool grower, Roderick O’Conner the relationship with ProWay began with updating part of their existing timber stockyards.
Connorville is truly a one of a kind design, that incorporates two sheltered working areas as well as servicing the newly refurbished woolshed.
The facility has since seen considerable renovation which includes a custom designed working area inside the woolshed and a complete redevelopment of the yards to increase efficiency and traceability of animal traits. ProWay worked closely with Mr O’Connor and farm manager Adrian Carpenter to achieve state-of-the-art facilities which were customised to suit their merino operation.
A significant cattle handling facility was also recently commissioned for Alison Napier at “Milbrook” St Marys, who runs approximately 1,000 Angus Breeders. The job includes remote controlled drafting facilities which have dramatically improved efficiency when processing cattle.
Alison Napier is very happy with the safety and efficiency benefits achieved through modern infrastructure.
As well as mainland Tasmania, ProWay have recently commissioned cutting-edge cattle yards for TRT Pastoral Group, King Island. The family owned operation spans over 4 generations and incorporates the King Island breeding and finishing enterprise, which runs more than 8,000 grass fed Angus breeders.
TRT maiden yarding a great success.
ProWay were approached to design and construct the TRT facilities which have a working capacity of approximately 500 cows and incorporates a 5 way draft, central lane system and covered working area.
For manager Cody Whiteman the facilities have dramatically increased safety and efficiency.
“The new ProWay yards are finished and we couldn’t be happier with how the cattle flow. We recently preg tested and drafted 480 cows in two hours, so we’re really impressed. A job well done!”
ProWay offer a comprehensive on-site design service and have professional yard construction teams based in Tasmania and the rest of the country for professional installation.