Lane Delivery Shearing Module

ProWay products are proudly designed and manufactured in the USA and Australia and installed all over the world.

Lane Delivery Shearing Module

The catching and dragging of sheep from traditional catching pens is labour intensive and an injury prone activity for shearers.

With this in mind, ProWay has built on the innovative AWI Modular Shearing Race Delivery Unit, and developed an effective Lane Delivery Shearing Module that reduces the injury risk and energy required in the catch and drag process of shearing.

The ProWay unit offers a range of adjustments that ensure sheep of different sizes can be shornwith a continual feed to the release gate.
ProWay are exploring a range of configurations for lane delivery and lead up designs. As well as straight board designs, L shaped and curved
boards are being developed.

Features include:

  • Provides significant WH&S benefits to shearers by reducing the catch and drag distance and twisting required in a traditional board design.
  •  Increased efficiency and productivity for shearers, facilitating more shorn sheep per run.
  • Modular design which can be adapted to varied scale operations with efficient installation time.
  • Available as a permanent or relocatable structure.
  • Raised board with recessed chutes allow for safe release of sheep under grating and effective wool harvesting by shed staff.
  • Adaptable design to suit raised or level floor stands.

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Celebrating over 20 years of Aussie innovation – ProWay are proudly Australian owned, designed and manufactured.